Chapter 6 - 1 Exploring Earth's Surface
Right side
   mountain range -


1. Elevation –
    A.  Height above sea level
2. Relief
    A.  Difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area
3. Landforms
    A.  Feature of topography formed by the processes that shape Earth’s surface.
    B.  Fig. 3, pg. 173
4. In what regions would you find the following? Use fig. 3 to answer questions
    A.  Charleston =
    B.  Santa Fe =
    C.  Walla Walla =
    D.  Topeka =
5. 3 main types of landforms
    A. Plains
    B.  Plateaus
    C.  Mountains
6. Earth’s four spheres
    A.  Lithosphere - land
    B.  Hydrosphere - water
    C.  Atmosphere - air
    D.  Biosphere – living things

Left side -
Define & draw the Earth's four spheres (pg. 176)

Chapter 6 - 2  (part 1) Models Of Earth

1. Maps and Globes –
    A. Maps and globes show the __________________, _____________, and __________________ of Earth’s features
    B. Maps –
        1. Model on a ____________ surface
    C. Globes –
        1. Sphere that represents Earth’s _______________ surface.
        2. Shows the relative ________ and __________ of landmasses and oceans
2. Maps and globes are drawn to _________________ and use _________________ to represent topography and other features of
    Earth’s surface.
3. Scale –
    A. Relates _________________ on a map to a _________________ on Earth’s surface.
    B. Given as a __________________
    C. Fig. 7, pg. 177 gives three ways to write a map’s scale.
4. Symbols –
    A. Stand for __________________ on Earth’s surface.
    B. Can represent a physical feature; ______________, ______________, ______________________, or __________________.
    C. Can also represent human made features; _______________________, ___________, or ____________________.
5. Key or legend –
    A. List of all the __________________ used on the map with an explanation of their meaning.
6. Compass –
    A. Helps the map user relate _________________ on the map.
    B. ___________________ is usually located at the top of the map.

Left side -
Create map symbols

Mapping Project - Map Your Backyard

Chapter 6 - 2 (part 2) Longitude, Latitude, Time Zones, & Navigation

1. Latitude –
    A. Measures _______________-_________________, but runs ____________-_______________.
    B. 0° reference point is the ______________________
    C. Evenly spaced lines of _______ degrees.
    D. What is the latitude of the North Pole? South pole?

2. Longitude –
    A. Measures ______________-________________, but runs _____________-________________.
    B. 0° reference point is the _________________ __________________.
    C. International Date Line (IDL) = __________ longitude
    D. Prime Meridian runs through ____________________, ________________.
    E. Evenly spaced lines of ________ degrees.

3. Navigation –
    A. 1° latitude = _________ nautical miles or _____ statue (regular) miles.

4. IDL –
    A. Located in the mid-Pacific where ____________ and ___________ longitudes = ___________°.

5. Time Zones –
    A. When crossing from the _______________ hemisphere to the ___________ hemisphere over the IDL, you go
        ________________ one calendar day.
    B. Example:

January 9, 2001                                      January 8, 2001
East  Japan                                              Hawaii  West


    C. When crossing from the _____________ hemisphere to the ______________ hemisphere over the IDL, you go ___________ one
        calendar day.
    D. Example

January 9, 2001                                      January 8, 2001
East  Australia                                          New York West

6. Rotation -
    A. The Earth rotates ________ of longitude every ____________.
    B. ______ lines of longitude (24 hours in one day)
    C. ________°  x ________ = ___________°

Chapter 6 – 4 Topographic Maps

1. Topographic Map –
    A. Sows surface features of an area
    B. Uses symbols (fig. 15, pg. 188)
    C. Provides highly accurate info on
        1. elevation
        2. relief
        3. slope of ground surface

2. Who uses topo maps?
    A. Businesses
    B. Recreation

3. What scale is used?
    A. 1 : 24,000
    B. 1 cm = .24 km

4. Who makes the topo maps?
    A. U.S. Geological Survey

5. What is a contour line?

6. What is a contour interval?