How to be Successful in Class
Science 2004 – 2005    Mrs. Young

Science is a course demanding concentration in the classroom, with homework and studying at night.  Don’t fall behind!

1.  Materials:    Required everyday            
    spiral notebook (150 pg, 8 ½” x 11” )          highlighter                    glue pen(stick)
    lined notebook paper                                   calculator
    several sharpened pencils                             metric ruler
    pens – blue, black                                        scissors
    graph paper                                                 colored pencils
*You should be prepared everyday, so bring all your materials to class.  

2.    Homework will be stamped “good stamp” (rubberstamp – different one each day) showing you completed it on time.  No late homework is accepted.  I also use a rubberstamp that says “missing homework” so that the student and parent know the assignment was not completed on time.  No “good” stamp, no credit.  When you arrive for class, immediately get your homework out on the table.  I will start stamping as soon as the bell rings.  If it is not out, when I pass by, you will not receive a stamp.  Exception only for absences (see below for absences).

3.    Lab reports, projects, and notebooks will be accepted late, but a one-point penalty per day for a maximum of 5 days, excluding weekends and excused absences, will be deducted from your total score.  Again, no stamp on the homework, no credit (even if done late).  After the fifth day past due, I will not accept the assignment.

4.    My classroom is open during recess and lunch for you to come and complete any assignments.  I will gladly help you in answering any questions and give you guidance and how you can keep your notebook up-to-date.

5.    Your notebook will be collected on test days for each unit. It must be turned in before the test begins.  You must keep track of all assignments in your notebook.  I will teach you how to set up your notebook and use it.

6.    Tests will be given at the end of each unit.  You will have a 2-week advance notice of an upcoming test.  It will be posted on the board (due dates) and web page.

7.    Short quizzes may be given at any time, so come to class prepared each day.  Tardies will be dealt with per school policy.  Attendance is important.  

8.    There will be frequently assigned projects (posters, lab reports, models, mobiles, etc.).

9.    You are responsible for all missed work.  Visit the web page for missed assignments.  It is your responsibility to get the homework stamped within the time frame of your absence, because I cannot chase you down to stamp your homework.  Refer to the notebook “While You Were Gone” to see what was stamped.  If it is not stamped then it was not done on time.

10.    Follow all class rules and show basic respect for your fellow classmates and myself.  I will follow all the rules you set for me.

11.    Current grades will be posted frequently, so keep track of your progress and there will be no surprises.  If you think I made a mistake on your grade you must let me know immediately (after school).  Please keep all graded assignments in case I make a mistake (I’m not perfect!!!!).  It should be glued into your notebook.

12.    I DO NOT give grades, you earn your grade.  Grades will be based on your accumulation of points (tests, quizzes, homework, projects, labs, etc.) and will be figured using the following standard percentage scale:
        100 – 90% = A
        89.9 – 80% = B
        79.9 – 70% = C
        69.9 – 60% = D
        59.9 – 0% = F
**A 1% adjustment may be made based on attendance and participation.  I keep track of everything in my classroom; good and bad.  If your grade falls below a C, I recommend that you go get tutoring.  Ask your parents or me for help.
**Extra credit is offered periodically in my class, but I would not rely on that to help bring your grade up a full letter grade.  It will help if you are close to the next higher grade.

My school web page –
You will find lectures, assignments, study skill tips, table of contents for each unit covered and many more great things on my web page, including pictures of my adorable little girl, Sarila.