1.Define the problem
A.Write down exactly what you want to find out
B.Write it in question form
2.Collect information on the problem (Research)
A.Find out everything about the problem using all of your senses
3.Form a hypothesis
A.Make an educated guess as what the answer might be
B.Include all things you want to test
4.Experiment to test the hypotheses
A.Perform an experiment to test the hypotheses
B.2 parts –
1.control: a basis of comparison against the variable
2.variable: a factor that differs among test groups in an experiment
5.Observe and record data
A.Make complete observations on the experiment as it happens and afterward
B.Write down everything
C.Data –
1.numbers from measurements
2.observations – color changes, bubbles
D.Analysis data –
1.Tables, figures, charts, graphs
A.Decide whether your results agree with your hypothesis
B.If not, start back at #2 and do again
C.2choices –
1.accept your hypothesis or
2.reject your hypothesis