Chapter 22 - 2 Eclipses and Tides
Right side
    lunar eclipse
    solar eclipse

1.  Eclipses
    A.  When the moon's shadow hits Earth or Earth's shadow hits the moon an eclipse occurs
    B.  Fig. 6, pg. 717
2. Solar Eclipse
    A.  Solar = sun
    B.  Moon blocks the sun
    C.  Only the corona shows
    D.  Total solar eclipse
        1.  Only the people in the umbra experience a total solar eclipse
    E.  Partial Solar Eclipse
        1.  Only people in the penumbra see only a partial eclipse
3. Lunar Eclipse
    A.  total lunar eclispes
        1.  fig. 8, pg. 719
    B.  Partial lunar eclipses

Left side

22-2 Tides
Right side
    spring tide
    neap tide

1.  Tides
    A.  Regular pattern of the rising and falling of water
    B.  fig. 9, pg. 722          *poster of Bay of Bundy
2.  What causes the tides?
    A.  Force of gravity
    B.  Occur because of the difference in how much the moon pulls on the Earth
    C. Earth rotates, so moon pulls on the side of the Earth closest to the moon
3.  High tides
    A.  Fig. 10, pg. 723
    B.  Water is pulled toward the moon and is at "high tide"
    C.  B and A in the figure are high tide
4.  Low tide
    A.  Fig. 10, pg. 723
    B.  C and D are low tide, farthest from the sun
5. Spring and Neap tides
    A.  Spring
        1.  sun, earth, and moon are lined up
        2.  creates a combined force of gravity
        3.  greatest difference in low and high tide
        4.  Draw it
    B.  Neap tides
        1.  sun, earth, and moon are at right angles
        2. least difference in low and high tide
        3.  draw it

Left side